Here, Andy gives his reasons for campaigning hard for the roundabout at Cross-a-Moor. Cllr. Butcher said: "We are not against housing, in the right numbers and in the right places." Regarding the proposed development on Pennington Lane, Andy fought hard and lead the campaign for a roundabout at Cross-a-Moor. He went on to say "The residnets wanted safer access to the A590.
We campaigned for a roundabout. We have now got that roundabout coming. The new houses on Pennington Lane will not go ahead until the roundabout is completed at Cross-a-Moor. We made sure of that"
On May 3rd, residents of Furness Peninsula have the opportunity to do something amazing and back Caroline and James Airey and Andrew Butcher, thus, in doing so, returning them to South Lakeland District Council. You have three votes at this election, use all three to send a message to the Lib Dems (who run SLDC) that we won't settle for their shoddy deals for our area and we won't allow them to develop our greenfield sites, cut our frontline services and increase our council tax.