NEWS that Boris Johnson has given his backing to Barrow’s submarine programme has been welcomed as great news for the region, guaranteeing work for thousands of local residents.
Simon Fell, the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Barrow and Furness said he was delighted the new Prime Minister has already pledged his support for the Dreadnought programme, which he called a ‘vital national asset’.
He said: “I’m delighted that the Prime Minister has recognised how important it is to maintain a Continuous at Sea Deterrent and the vitally important role every single worker at Barrow’s famous shipyards play in this.
“As he said in the Commons, the real threat to this deterrent and these livelihoods would be a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour party in charge at Number 10. All Barrovians know that lifelong CND member Jeremy Corbyn does not support Barrow’s proud history of boat-building. He is a threat to livelihoods across Furness.
“Mr Johnson has only been in place for a few days, but he has already pledged a host of measures to get our country back on the road to a brighter future, including getting Brexit done by 31st October, with a great new deal for Britain.
“He has also promised to hire 20,000 new police officers across the country, more investment in the NHS and schools, all pledges which I believe will benefit and will be welcomed by everyone across Barrow and Furness and the whole of Cumbria, as well as the country.”