A Borough Councillor is helping to keep his ward clean. Cllr. Daniel Edwards (Dalton North) has been lobbying the Borough Council to empty the public waste bins around the villages of Askam and Ireleth after they where piling over with waste. With the summer holidays now in full flow and many visitors to the area, Cllr. edwards was keen to resolve this issue so that our area looks it's best for locals and visitors alike.
Following on from the July Askam & Ireleth Parish Council Meeting the issues with the public bins around Askam and at Roanhead were highlighted to Cllr. Edwards.
Commenting, Cllr. Edwards said "Working jointly with the Parish Council and Janice Cumming, ongoing issues were raised. Thank you to Alan Barker and Keith Johnston and their teams it has been agreed that the bins in Askam and at Roanhead will be emptied daily, late on Friday and again on Monday mornings. An additional seasonal bin is being looked into for Roanhead to help alleviate the problem. The agreed actions will be monitored by the BBC Street Care Team and myself."
Job Done.