Residents in Hawcoat are rejoicing at the installation of a new drop kerb on Dalton Lane. Local county councillor, Roy Worthington, was approached by a resident regarding the lack of ease of access along the pavement on Dalton Lane. Until recently, pedestrians who use mobility scooters, wheelchairs, use a pushchair or shopping trolley would have had to alight from the pavement onto the road due to the pavement being impassable. Thanks to a campaign led by Roy Worhtington, County Council officers have acted quickly to install a dropped kerb and now commuters are able to move along the pavement safely and smoothly. Delighted local resident and frequent user of the route, Craig Hall said that “Roy (Worhtington) has done a great job. We presented him with a problem and he solved it.” Cllr. Worthington commented that it was a “pleasure” to be able to help and work on the project. Cllr. Worthington added “This dropped kerb will provide a much safer route for commuters and mean that they can more easily catch the bus, pop to the shops and visit friends and relatives, without having to use the dangerous and busy road”. Roy Worthington is the Conservative Party county councillor for Hawcoat ward, having been elected in May 2017. Cllr. Worthington added “I was elected by the residents of Hawcoat to represent and serve them; which is exactly what I shall continue to do and I would urge local residents to get in touch if they feel that I can be of any help to them.”